Personal work inspired by a poem

Personal Work. Inspired by my own poem.
You may like to know how this was shot. I made a 12 foot delta wing kite and flew my digital SLR over the Church near Dorking in England. The shutter was fired by cable release attached to a long thin string to my hand. Each time i had to take a shot I had to pull the kite half way down where the camera was mounted. Wind on and let out the main string to climb again. The negs were scanned and processed in Photoshop.
The Picture
A numbing pain in cotton sheets,
Three bright spheres of light,
Tidal waves of blackness drowning,
But free now and in flight.
A roof of grey and stones of old,
How vast the baize of green,
Spiraling expanse below,
As another soul’s redeemed.
Dragged from peace, a crazed descent,
To re-emerge again,
A transparent image of a man,
Alone now, but insane.
Neil Rhodes - June - 1995